Mindful Mondays:
A monthly practice opportunity for my graduates of MBSR & MBCT classes
Third Monday of the month, 6-7:30, an ongoing invitation for practice and discussion.
Here's what the emailed invitations look like:
January 2025
How to meet this day, so full of paradox?
I don't know about you, but for me today is rich with opportunity to see the interface of internal and external experience. Sometimes, it's sides of a coin: my internal state of being, how I'm feeling, my mood state, colors how I am perceiving what is happening out there, whether close/primary relationships or more broadly in my community or country or even the world. Other times, external events and the unfolding of awareness of things that I don't control but wish were otherwise, overwhelm my perceptions and fuel a mood state of discouragement or sense of hopelessness or helplessness. And sometimes, I don't know what the heck is going on, I'm just feeling very challenged and melancholic: what's the precipitant/origin? It's the interaction of this and that...
The last few times I've written and gathered with some of you I have focused on Metta: that glorious formal practice of softening the heart, befriending our experience, embracing what's present and offering a kind welcome to our own tender hearts. Today what I need and offer to you is the logical next response to what we can find when we turn towards our heart and really open to what's present: compassion. Because sometimes when we slow down and really check in, bring curiosity and presence to our heart, we see that we are suffering. Our heart-mind is wounded or challenged, and despite our habit of bucking up/moving on/putting on our big girl/boy pants already... we can feel into that sense of sadness. And then offering our compassion is the healing balm. To simply allow what's already here to be known and accepted, responded to with a gentle nod and warm embrace: it's ok. Just that. Not trying to fix or make different. It's just like this right now.
So here we are, 3rd Monday of the first month of 2025... and what a ride it will be! Let's start this new year together with a commitment to our mindfulness practice and good intentions to be awake and wise and kind. On zoom, 6-7:30: xxxx
And if it doesn't work for you this Monday, please know that I send you all the well-wishes of this new year: that you are full of awe at the glory of this big beautiful broken world, more often than not, that you get outside and take nature in, that you let yourself be vulnerable and humble and receive all the simple pleasures of everyday life. Oh, and that you invite mindfulness as your steady companion to keep you awake to what's available in the present moment.
Sending much Metta and gratitude for sharing this path with you,
Our last gathering in 2021...
Perhaps you find yourself like me, slightly incredulous that we're about to welcome the Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year.
There's so much there to consider, right? So close to ending 2021, and noticing what comes up when reviewing the year. Ooft... so much challenge, between the pandemic and the socio-political upheaval in our country and the world. Who doesn't know fear about where is this going? So much relinquishment, some freely chosen and some coerced... by circumstances, mandates, reluctant wisdom.
More than ever, my mindfulness practice supported me in not losing my mind completely as all of the realities of 2021 settled in.
And then, just as we reflect on what has been, we also turn to consider this new year. Not with tired 'resolutions', but with the possibility of naming intentions that can motivate us to show up, nurture our best self, do the things that let us know we are good enough.
I've come to appreciate Winter as a time that requires more care of the self, more attention to how to be safe and wise and embrace the quiet. Let's come together to nurture our hearts and minds by naming what's been helpful, give voice to what we intend moving forward, and practice both compassion and wisdom.
This Monday, December 20, 6-7:30, still on Zoom. Even if you've never been, or not for a while, or have fallen away from your practice, please know that all are welcomed warmly and whole-heartedly: it's a good opportunity to reboot/recharge/remember... because that is the essence of mindfulness!
And Winter 2022 classes! The schedule is on my website, and here's a flyer, in case you'd like to share it with anyone or post or have as a reminder.
Otherwise, please know that I look forward to our paths crossing, whenever that may be. I send Metta to each and every one of you, and Karuna for all the challenges to our tender hearts.
with love, Ruth
January 2025
How to meet this day, so full of paradox?
I don't know about you, but for me today is rich with opportunity to see the interface of internal and external experience. Sometimes, it's sides of a coin: my internal state of being, how I'm feeling, my mood state, colors how I am perceiving what is happening out there, whether close/primary relationships or more broadly in my community or country or even the world. Other times, external events and the unfolding of awareness of things that I don't control but wish were otherwise, overwhelm my perceptions and fuel a mood state of discouragement or sense of hopelessness or helplessness. And sometimes, I don't know what the heck is going on, I'm just feeling very challenged and melancholic: what's the precipitant/origin? It's the interaction of this and that...
The last few times I've written and gathered with some of you I have focused on Metta: that glorious formal practice of softening the heart, befriending our experience, embracing what's present and offering a kind welcome to our own tender hearts. Today what I need and offer to you is the logical next response to what we can find when we turn towards our heart and really open to what's present: compassion. Because sometimes when we slow down and really check in, bring curiosity and presence to our heart, we see that we are suffering. Our heart-mind is wounded or challenged, and despite our habit of bucking up/moving on/putting on our big girl/boy pants already... we can feel into that sense of sadness. And then offering our compassion is the healing balm. To simply allow what's already here to be known and accepted, responded to with a gentle nod and warm embrace: it's ok. Just that. Not trying to fix or make different. It's just like this right now.
So here we are, 3rd Monday of the first month of 2025... and what a ride it will be! Let's start this new year together with a commitment to our mindfulness practice and good intentions to be awake and wise and kind. On zoom, 6-7:30: xxxx
And if it doesn't work for you this Monday, please know that I send you all the well-wishes of this new year: that you are full of awe at the glory of this big beautiful broken world, more often than not, that you get outside and take nature in, that you let yourself be vulnerable and humble and receive all the simple pleasures of everyday life. Oh, and that you invite mindfulness as your steady companion to keep you awake to what's available in the present moment.
Sending much Metta and gratitude for sharing this path with you,
Our last gathering in 2021...
Perhaps you find yourself like me, slightly incredulous that we're about to welcome the Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year.
There's so much there to consider, right? So close to ending 2021, and noticing what comes up when reviewing the year. Ooft... so much challenge, between the pandemic and the socio-political upheaval in our country and the world. Who doesn't know fear about where is this going? So much relinquishment, some freely chosen and some coerced... by circumstances, mandates, reluctant wisdom.
More than ever, my mindfulness practice supported me in not losing my mind completely as all of the realities of 2021 settled in.
And then, just as we reflect on what has been, we also turn to consider this new year. Not with tired 'resolutions', but with the possibility of naming intentions that can motivate us to show up, nurture our best self, do the things that let us know we are good enough.
I've come to appreciate Winter as a time that requires more care of the self, more attention to how to be safe and wise and embrace the quiet. Let's come together to nurture our hearts and minds by naming what's been helpful, give voice to what we intend moving forward, and practice both compassion and wisdom.
This Monday, December 20, 6-7:30, still on Zoom. Even if you've never been, or not for a while, or have fallen away from your practice, please know that all are welcomed warmly and whole-heartedly: it's a good opportunity to reboot/recharge/remember... because that is the essence of mindfulness!
And Winter 2022 classes! The schedule is on my website, and here's a flyer, in case you'd like to share it with anyone or post or have as a reminder.
Otherwise, please know that I look forward to our paths crossing, whenever that may be. I send Metta to each and every one of you, and Karuna for all the challenges to our tender hearts.
with love, Ruth
- 11/12/2021 - You're invited: Mindful Monday
- 10/16/2021 - You're invited to Mindful Monday!
- 09/15/2021 - Upcoming classes & Mindful Monday Invitation
- 08/13/2021 - Mindful Monday AND Fall Classes Announcement
- 07/16/2021 - It's that time of the month...