Dr. Ruth Folchman, PsyD, CGP & Everyday Mindfulness
Clinical Psychologist and Certified Group Psychotherapist
Practice Overview
Classroom Images
Classes in Mindfulness & Meditation
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction
Class Schedule
Mindful Monday, for graduates
Resources for Mindfulness and Meditation
Audio for MBCT Classes
Audio for MBSR Classes
Shorter Practices
Brahma Vihara
About Me
Testimonials: Class graduates
Formal Practice Guidance — MBCT
Note that the guidance for MBSR & MBCT is different.
MBCT Body Scan (38:04)
MBCT Mindfulness of Breath (10:40)
MBCT - Stretch and Breathe Meditation (30:08)
MBCT - Mindful Movement (40:27)
MBCT - 3 Minute Breathing Space, Regular
MBCT - Sitting Meditation (38:32)
MBCT - Three Minute Breathing Space, Responsive (6:22)
MBCT - Working with Difficulty (16:50)